Quite simply, this is my personal Camera-Roll for my personal projects and things I especially like.
Unlike my other collections, which are intended to be just as they are now, this will be a continually evolving story of my photography.
I have become a little tired of other social media platforms' behaviour, particularly on copyright and ownership of imagery and personal data, so here we are.
Also, you get to enjoy the images I make in their original quality and aspect ratio on here, something that irritates me to no end when I have to crop them down on IG.

The sunsets of the early summer on the Coast, whilst often hard to get to and the timings make things akward, are spectacular. This one is a particular favourite of mine, from May 2020, on the north coast of Exmoor, looking out towards Swansea, and Porthcawl on the Welsh coast.
Canon 760D, EF 24-70mm f/4L @ 24mm, f/4, 400 ISO, 1/250. Multiple images stitched in Lr.

This is another panorama that I always love, combination of a few things, but it is one of those moments that you try something new, and it actually works well. This, if you have a little imagination, is actually a full 360 degree image, made up of over 70+ images stitched together. It was a great day, despite the cold, and I remember this one well.

Anyone who has been following me for long enough will understand my love for NT Stourhead. It is special in so many ways, and is definitely what I consider to be where it all started for me.
Canon 760D, EF 24-70mm f/4L

This is another picture that I means a lot to me. The final days of being a student in 3rd year of Uni, after the exams and final coursework pieces were done, as I and some housemates went to the nearby Exemouth beach and actually enjoyed a day in what felt like far too long.
Another panorama, but it fills me with warmth and a strange fondness of the horrible sunburn I earnt myself that day.
Canon 760D, EF 35mm f/2 @ 35mm f/3.5, 400 ISO, 1/4000.
Multiple images stitched together in Lr.