About me
My name is Ben Blethyn, I am a 3rd year student engineer at the University of Exeter, and one of my biggest passions is photography.
After starting to play around with photography from a young age, to now having around 4 years of experience behind a proper camera, I am still exploring and finding my feet in the photography world.
The majority of my work that you will see is either Landscapes, Portraits, Abstract or some Macro photography.
How I started in Photography
I started out using an ancient camcorder to take photos, where my family started to notice I had a bit of skill with a camera.
Here are some of the best images I took with it, and to just to give a perspective of how old they are and how young I was, these are from 9 years ago, from 2008 when I was just 11 years old. Its been a bit of a blast from the past just to see them again
I then, around age 17, got my first more serious camera - a Panasonic Lumix LZ30 bridge camera (think of a compact camera in the form of a DSLR!) which was great to start off with and teach myself some of the basics of photography. This allowed me to create some relatively decent images with the features and capabilites the camera has, and with the flexibility the camera gave with its massive zoom range of up to 35x zoom (25-875mm) allowed me to explore the different views. The only downside is that the tiny sensor produces a lot of noise and the auto-focus speed and precision isnt that brilliant.

Around a year on from then, I started to use a friends old Canon 400D with a standard kit lens of 18-55mm, which was great to use and learn the more complex features and capabilities of a DSLR, without throwing myself in the deep end too much in terms of its capabilities and the complexity.
I then started to teach myself how to use photo editing software, such as lightroom and now I have the Adobe CC photographer package, which kindly lets me create and display my work on this brilliant platform as well as allowing me to learn how to use more complex editing techniques on Photoshop and the more advanced Lightroom editing.
Most recently, I bought myself a Canon 760D with an 18-135mm lens and a f/1.8 50mm prime lens. This is a massive step up from the comparatively cheap previous cameras of the Lumix and the 400D, with a huge advancement in the camera capability and the features. This has allowed me to create many of the images you will now see in my projects.
In the past few months, I have been very busy with Uni work, exams and preparing for the summer internship, and I took to event photography to get me back into it afterwards. I have since invested, and I really mean invested, in a new Canon EF 35mm f/2 prime and a Neewer E-TTL flashgun with diffusers and some other new accessories, including a reflector dish for photoshoots, a Gobe ND1000 filter (really dark filter) for truly massive long exposures, as well as one of their variable density filters, and a few other bits and pieces that you will see in the upcoming months.
I hope you like my work, it has been a pleasure to create it and show it to you.