The principle of Formula Student, one which I became overly familiar with as I played my part with the actual manufacture of the car, is for a group of students to resource and build a single seater race car, to within the regulations and then present, test and race the car at a location. For 2019, the location was the historic Silverstone race track, near Oxford and Milton Keynes.
Beyond the usual difficulties, the team this year had to overcome many challenges, one such one being the turbocharging of the car, doing such is far from a simple endevour. This went with mixed results unfortunately however the car was turned around from an experimental turbocharged state to a running naturally aspirated state in around 6 hours, before the car was then shipped off to Silverstone..

Much of the early parts of the event were filled with scruitineering issues and tasks following their specific reccomendations, or often enough, lack thereof.
The actual racing however, when the car wanted to behave itself, it went well...